The all-in-one place for intrapreneurs!

Intrapreneur.Tools is your personal go-to source to super-charge your intrapreneurial spirit!

Build your ideas, evaluate them, and get prepared to launch them within your company as a true intrapreneur.

Skip all the hassle that comes with building a start-up by leveraging your companies existing structures and expertise within the specialized departments to focus on your core idea.

Intrapreneur.Tools provides the mindset and toolset an intrapreneur needs to ideate and create successful corporate innovations - also helping you to get through the rough parts on your jurney within the corporate environment - don't worry!



categorized by process stepsinstructions on creative techniques for your team's design thinking workshops or personal design sprint sessions. Categorized by the design thinking process stages and other well-known frameworks.



well taggedcomprehensive searchable database with easy to deploy software tools to get your idea up and running in no-time. Flagged with pricing information, categorized by usage scenarios.

Knowledge Hub


updated frequentlyin-depth resource hub regarding all things innovation to get you a headstart on innovative resources, mindsets, and dinner-table access to expert knowledge in video and podcast interviews.

We are still adding some finishing touches, so stay tuned.

Get informed as soon as all Intrapreneur.Tools are available by signing-up today:

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What is an intrapreneur?

What is an intrapreneur and how does such differ from an entrepreneur, sidepreneur, solopreneur, wannapreneur, etc.?Β 

How to design an innovation process from scratch – a blueprint.

Want to start innovating in your company but do not know where and how to start? No worries, we've got you covered with our proven blueprint of a simple innovation process to start your intrapreneurship journey.

Agile Tools: the Digital TimeTimer

Looking for a digital version of the classic TimeTimer during remote-work sessions?

No worries, we got you covered with our digital version of the beloved TimeTimer.

digital TimeTimer